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Must-have items for your {baby} hospital bag

Happy Chappies

Preparing for parenthood can be overwhelming with all its to-do and don’t-forget lists. As one approaches the end of pregnancy, packing the hospital bag(s) becomes an essential action item and in our case; we tried to pack not only for necessity – but also for comfort. Your hospital room is considered home for mom and baby, for the first few days after delivery. Why not make your stay as cozy as possible?

Your hospital bag list from the doctor is rather basic and provides a good starting point for new moms. Six year ago with our son, we went strictly by that list. Toiletries for mom and baby, clothing for mom and baby, mesh underwear, linen savers and pads. These are the types of items included on the one-pager.

Fast forward to October 2019 after extensive reading and reflecting on how we could’ve improved our hospital stay, here are additional items to consider; that are not mentioned by the medical aid or hospital; when packing your hospital bag:

For mommy

- 2x pajamas and a night gown: this is the perfect opportunity to purchase new, snug PJs

- Flip flops and a pair of slippers

- 2x nursing bras

- Go home outfit: I decided to wear all black, leggings and a lose fitting top. This is also the outfit I was wearing when we arrived at the hospital.

- Cooling breast pads

- Lip ice / vaseline

- Towel

For daddy

- A change of clothing

- Cellphone / tablet: for photos and downtime

- Casual shirt for in-hospital photos

- Text list: people to contact / share baby’s birth announcement

For baby

- Muslin / wrap blankets: one for each day

- Baby announcement outfit and props: this is for a photo opportunity in hospital. We opted for a matching swaddle blanket and headband set which I made from stretchy t-shirt material, together with a light box with all baby’s info.

- Car seat (bring on the last day)

- Mittens and baby hats: one pair for each day

- 2x pair socks: just in case needed

- Go home outfit


- Water bottle: keep filling it up to stay hydrated

- Snacks: granola bars, jelly babies, biltong sticks

- Cellphone charger and plug

- Holder / container to carry flowers home

- Extra pillow: for comfort

- Diffuser for your room

Knowing that we’d be having a c-section, I decided to pack separate bags – for baby and I – to make things easier for daddy. In addition, I packed and labelled baby’s clothing per day; in Ziplock bags. It is quite common that one’s birthing partner (in our case my husband) gives baby his/her first bath and labeling was another way of assisting our new daddy through the process.

I’m sure that there are many more items that one could add to the above. I tried to go with a structured approach to avoid over-packing (which is easy to do) and over-carrying. My wallet, journal, pen, ID copies and snacks were neatly stashed in baby’s nappy bag.

Good luck with your unique birthing experience and feel free to add on to the list, in the comments below.



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