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Black Friday – Doom or Bloom?

Happy Chappies

Next week Friday, 23 November 2018 is Black Friday. To avoid the grudge-buy rush, have you perhaps thought of shopping with a purpose? Last year I for one, spent R 10 000 in pursuit of instant gratification and the sad truth is that a year later, I’m still paying it off. Given our current economic climate, there is no room for financial mishaps.

Shopping with a purpose {image source:}

You might ask, what does shopping with a purpose refer to? To give you an example: we are looking for a wedding band [the purpose]. Now to break it up even further: by next week, we’ll have R 2500 saved up for this wedding band [the budget] and we’ve been scouting out various places that stock the design, colour etc. that we like. It’s come down to two jewellery shops [research + spec the product].

So, for Black Friday the plan is clear: pack a backpack with light refreshments and snacks so that we have less reason to leave any queues. Enter two stores ONLY with the purpose in mind. For extra precaution, the savings card limit has been set to R 2500. Operation get the ring and get out is envisioned to be smooth mission. We intend to be relaxing and gloating over our purchase in the safety of our home, by 15:00.

Every cent counts {image source:}

More often, consumers are lured to spend money they don’t necessarily have, all because of this once-a-year-opportunity. Consumers like you and I contemplate camping outside stores to get that “discounted deal.” Some of my people even go to the shops and then attempt to hide the items they want, in an attempt to retrieve it on Black Friday?!

For those like me who are increasingly cash conscious, plan prior to your Fri-yay shopping expeditions. Alternatively, if you have no purpose, avoid the temptation by spending Black Friday at the office or indoors {preferably away from any media}.



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