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Eat more, look and feel healthier

Happy Chappies

With December approaching, I’m sure that most of us are familiar with the infamous phrases “body goals” and “bikini ready.” Being a fitness freak myself, people often ask what my diet consists of and how much thereof, I eat. For years I struggled to build mass and muscle. What I can tell you now, is that you are what you eat. I’d like to share a bit of my (ongoing) journey with you, on how to put on healthy weight.

Two years in the making

The common assumption of eating less to look good or lose weight is a huge misunderstanding we often make. In fact, the healthier the meals we consume per day, the more our bodies become prone to getting rid of unhealthy fat. We should be consuming at least 5 – 6 food portions a day, with high protein intake. An important thing to understand is that once you increase your protein intake, the more muscle you build. And muscle burns calories.

Before: not the ideal routine

So how do we go from eating unhealthily to achieving our ideal body goals? The answer is simple: EAT MORE PROTEIN! Foods such as fish, chicken, nuts, peanut butter and eggs are always good to stock up on. If you add good carbs – avocado, oats, sweet potatoes and quinoa to the mix; you should be well on your way to fueling your body the right way. Top off your meals with green veggies and stay hydrated.

After: good routine including a proper diet

It’s important to keep in mind that as much as eating more is healthy, your portions should be sized according to your weight. Also, be cognisant of your calorie intake. Adding cardio into your daily routine or going to gym on a regular basis will help you reach those goals faster. Nutrition is the key to a healthy and fit body, working out is just a bonus.

Let’s get fit for life, not just for the summer.

(PS: The Calorie Calculator is very useful to use when it comes to determining how many calories you should consume to lose or gain weight)



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