Do you find yourself rummaging through your closet, mumbling that you have nothing to wear, with the aftermath of clothing items scattered all over the room? I’d like to think that many of us are faced with this dilemma. If not, then I have a serious problem to deal with… The good news is that with a few simple steps, we can break this ongoing cycle.

Choose wisely
Surprisingly, a few classic items of clothing can be transformed into a variety of looks. I grapple with de-cluttering my wardrobe while keeping (and making use of) essential clothing pieces. The classic capsule wardrobe can contain anything from 10 to 30 basic items including shoes, accessories, jackets, tops and bottoms. Also remember that your capsule wardrobe is dependent on your current lifestyle – be it budget, trend, colour or a combination of elements.
Think before you buy
A classic capsule wardrobe only has 15 items, yes ladies gents; and that includes shoes + accessories. Before you buy that top on sale, consider whether it fits into your envisioned look. Examples of capsule wardrobes include business attire, casual looks and seasonal wear. Remember that your key items can be mixed-and-matched to create a variety of looks so when shopping, think outfit rather than item.
Housekeeping, housekeeping, housekeeping
Having too many items of clothing causes confusion, irritation and more washing. What I am attempting to do, is replace items; more than just acquiring them. In other words, when I buy a new pair of jeans, I chuck the old one out or even better – give it away. A capsule wardrobe is a simple, inexpensive way of de-cluttering your cupboard, while investing in your look.

With a growing population and a finite area of livable land; comes small apartments and even smaller closets. In the bigger scheme of things, having a capsule wardrobe contributes towards saving the environment. Don’t you want to do your bit and look amazing while doing it?